Listening is Priceless

I once spent four hours early in the morning roaming throughout the streets of my neighborhood with a guitar in one hand and my bible in the other. Before I left my house, I spent three hours awake going down the list of the things I needed to do when I woke up and the tasks that I didn't even get done before I had lain down. I wasn't entirely aware of why I was still awake at one in the morning, but I was suddenly inspired to go outside, and I knew there was a reason for the sleeplessness I was experiencing.

Captivated by my anxiousness, I began to stare at the ceiling fan, trying to make images out of the popcorn material on the roof of my room, growing increasingly bored and frustrated with every waking second. At some point, I needed to get rest but I knew the odds were slim against my overactive thoughts. I decided to do the only thing I knew how to do: pray for peace and let my heart be settled for the first time that day. Shortly after praying for sleep, I heard an answer as clear as the water bottle at the side of my bed. A soft voice spoke to me saying, "Jullian, get up and spend some time listening to my voice." I sensed God calling me to a place of rest and there was something outside that was essential to me understanding what He was trying to reveal to me. Experiences make for great stories; I believe this is one to be told.

I once heard a Christian speaker say, "When you call out to God, allow your prayers to become praise." What started off as an internal prayer of surrender turned into a hunger to worship God with an external song, and my heart grew thirsty for what He wanted for me. However, I was cautious of my family’s sleep because of how early it was and didn't want to wake them with my singing and guitar playing. As the display from my phone wallpaper projected 1:00 a.m. onto my face, the light lit up my dark room. I made the decision to get out of my bed and go on a journey I knew nothing about with no destination in mind. I had two goals that morning: to listen until I heard what God wanted to say to me and to experience what He had planned to reveal.

I strapped on my shoes, tossed a backpack over my shoulder, grabbed my guitar case, walked into my mother's room, and kissed her on the forehead before I left because I didn't want to startle her when she realized I was gone. When she questioned why I was leaving so early in the morning and where I was going, I told her "I can't sleep." I have to spend time with God worshiping Him. I think He's telling me to go outside to listen to His voice." My mother replied with the sweetest response: "Okay sweetie, be safe"—following a gentle smile.

I drove off into the night listening to my favorite worship playlist and ended up at a popular spot in my city called "Old Town" in Temecula. When I got out of the car, I instantly realized the drastic difference between the daily experience and the nightlife; silence stretched over the 2-mile strip of concrete street. The street lights and signs illuminated the sidewalks with florescent lights that allowed me to see where I was walking. As the leaves blew past my feet, I couldn't help but notice that Old Town, with the exception of the rushing wind, was completely dead.

That was it! It was the furthest thing from dead; in fact, it was alive. I began to hear the wind whistling in the hollow parts of the trees, brushing up against the buildings, and as I felt the strength of its breath pressing against my chest while I walked, I instantly knew why I was there. God had reserved that moment for me to hear His voice in creation. His creation—that which He made by speaking into existence. Even more eye opening than the beauty of creation is the one who created it. The Creator of creation is amazing, and when He speaks of something, those things come to pass. There is a treasure in listening to God’s voice when getting away from the business of life and our own self-thoughts, and resting in who He says we are. Hebrews 11:6 says, "And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." The question is, what does it mean to earnestly seek Him in faith? I think Luke 10 gives a great example of the simplicity of how to earnestly seek Him by listening.

Martha and Mary

38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Be encouraged to sit at the Lord's feet and hear what He has to say. Seek Him in faith and He will reveal Himself to you. Allow yourself to rest, and spend time listening to Him as He speaks to you through your prayer, your songs, His word (The Bible/ The life of Jesus), and through His creation. There are many ways to seek Him out, but I find in my own life that these are the most practical and a great place to start living in awe of who He is. The reward is far greater than we can ever imagine—a treasure more precious than anything the world can offer. Quality time spent with God is the door that leads to the riches of His glory. Listening is the beginning of a lifetime of revelation—just sit at the feet of Jesus.

A Prayer of Surrender

"Heavenly Father, show me how to yield to You and not be distracted by what worries me. Teach me to sit at Your feet and listen in reverence of who You are. You are in control of all things in heaven and on earth. I submit my heart to You and cast all my concerns upon your shoulders. I know that You love me more than I could ever understand. By Your Spirit, I pray for peace and revelation through scripture so that I can continue to walk in the truth You give. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen."

Thank you to my editing team: Jesse Campbell, Lindsey Cargill, and Sinjin Chun.


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