
 Two Sides To Everything 

There comes a moment in your life when you are forced to look back and take inventory of all the circumstances that lead you to the present day. As I reflect on the events that have taken place and the decisions that I have made, I realize that life is experienced in seasons. Maturity, along with wisdom, flourishes in different shapes and shades. It looks diverse for everyone. I ask myself why some people seem to have the upper hand in life, while others seem to have drawn the shorter stick. There are always two sides to everything and life is no exception. When I contemplate the path that I have taken, I see two completely contrasting life styles: one lived alone, and one lived with God. There is a question that has been lingering in the subconscious of humanity for the entirety of history, yet so many lives are lived without fully understanding what was missed. What is our purpose in life? According to my own understanding and experiences, I believe that our purpose on earth is to know God and witness Him in our lives.

"But for this purpose, I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth". - Exodus 9:16

Is it possible that we were always meant to live to know our Creator? Many people could argue that perhaps we don't have a creator; that life spoke its self into existence and we are a product of an accident. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your life, your choices, and your existence. I choose to believe that God is evident and that there is an authenticity to life with Him at the center.


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